Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bad childhood and my extreme anger?

Never, ever allow yourself to think about anything that you wouldn't want to get caught doing. Our fantasies is what makes us who, and what we are. We have the power to decide, what we want to think about. And all of our actions are the results of us getting used to our feelings, ( thoughts ) whether good or evil. Your early interest in porn is not that strange. Both boys and girls want to know everything. Its part of growing up. Your interest in fire might only be the result of an idol mind. Find a hobby. Drawing or painting is fun and can pay off in $$$. Never say you can't do anything artistic. Have you seen some of that stuff out there. I also had a hard childhood, beatings just because I was born during the grate depression when people could hardly feed themselves. Deprived of an education, put to hard work. I to was molested. We must rise above our hardships and do the best we can. Hurting someone else is not the answer. Taking control of our thoughts that control our actions is the answer. I hope something I have said helps you. If it hasn't, talk to a professional. You deserve a happy life. Please know that I care. Good luck.

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