Saturday, July 16, 2011

Helpwith others and emotions?

i guess to start i will describe myself in that topic, for those farmiliar with mbti, i am an intp. Introverted-iNtuitive-Thinker-Perciever. I honestly think emotions are irrational. also i have trouble eing intune with others enotions. on a daily basis i dont give a crap. but i love to learn things, and i was dragged into a conversation with my mother and grandmother. the conversation got onto emptions, i told them i think theyre irrational,and i suppress them. There intial response was thats bad to ignore your feelings. i left it at that, but majority of my family and friends say that. my questions are: how can i learn to become more acnolageable to others feelings?, does anyone agree with my thoughts on feelings being irrational? and this is kind of irrelivant but do you think love exist? i dont believe it does, want to know why, or even care because i kind of dont but email me at p.s i know there are gramtical errors, disregard that and dont judge me.

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