Sunday, July 10, 2011

How can I get my father to stop calling me a ****** and threatening to kick me out?

I'm 17 and basically my dad has hated me my whole life. He thinks that, first of all I'm a freak because I like being on my own and reading etc rather than playing sports, hanging out etc (He has on more than one occasion called me a loner) And he thinks I'm weird because I have schizophrenia & bipolar disorder (which I feel was triggered because of the way he treated me growing up and because of the many priests and camps he has sent me to to try and cure me of my 'homosexual tendencies' as they call it) These basically consisted of me being told that I was going to burn in hell if I didn't suppress everything that I was as well as an array of other colourful de-motivational techniques. Lately he and my mam have given up on trying to change me and he has taken to abusing the **** out of me instead, he screams random insults at me every 10 minutes, he tells me that even though I live under his roof I'm dead to him, he laughs at me telling me I'm worthless and an embarrassment to the family. Whenever anything goes wrong for me, instead of comforting me like any normal parent would do he tries his best to make me feel worse about myself. He basically does everything to make me feel like a big heap of ****. Is there anything I can do to get him to be even a little bit more understanding or even just get him to ignore me until I finish school? My mam just ignores me most of the time now so I can't ask her to help me.

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