Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is my mildew'd towel dangerous for me? 10 points?

There are several types of mold and mildew that are dangerous to people, especially if they have allergies. It can aggravate asthma and it can lead to respiratory problems in even healthy people. Mold and mildew are generally considered unhealthy for everyone. To prevent mildew in towels try to hang them up somewhere when they are damp so they can dry quickly, don't just leave them on the floor in a heap. Bunched up damp towels left on the floor will always mildew, irregardless of how often you wash them,. Try to dry them outside the bathroom somewhere that there is less moisture in the air. And if your bathroom has a fan then be sure to turn it on while showering and leave it on for an hour after to clear out the dampness. To remove mildew from towels you will need to presoak in hot water, bleach and borax or washing soda, these two additives are available in the laundry aisle. Then you need to wash in the hottest water possible, theh dry in the dryer using the hot cycle.

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