Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What are the dangers of cleaning an office that hasn't been cleaned in 10 years?

I'm pregnant and my work moved my office into an unclean area, that has not been cleaned in over 10 years, and made me clean it by myself. I did, and had to sort out through years of junk, clean years of dust and breath in dust as well. Anyways, that was weeks ago, and I have developed small patches of rashes ever since on my skin... They don't hurt, just itch a bit, and they haven't turned to blisters.. could it be from dry skin? a cleaning product? dust? mildew? a fungus? asbestos? I don't see my doctor until next week but I'm a bit worried because I now have a small rash on my face... my hands, and arms and one on my foot.

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