Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's wrong with Justin Beiber?

I'm not talking about his shitty music. A lot of people have shitty music and he isn't any worse than other terrible music. I really just don't understand how he is supposed to be like 17 and looks like he doesn't have one pubic hair. He doesn't seem nearly as developed as a healthy teenage boy should be. Does anyone else think he may not be as old as people say he is in order to appeal more to tweens? Or maybe he is being fed growth suppressing medicines so he can ride the tween train longer. I will accept even the most ridiculous theories.

Pain after Internal Bleaching?

Two days ago, I got my front tooth internally bleached (it has been root canalled already). There was no pain during the procedure, but about 20 minutes after, I got a pulsating pain coming from inside the tooth. I took a few Ibproufens and that did help a bit. Now, the tooth is tender to touch, and strangely it only hurts when I excersize, and brush my teeth, or when i'm trying to fall asleep. Please help.

My yearling (horse) bites and kicks!?

Your yearling sounds exactly like mine did. He is a rescue and had very bad manners. It was to the point that we could not even go into the pasture. One time he reared up and came down on my husbands shoulders and nearly killed him. In January one of my horses coliced. When the vet came out to see him, Rocket was up to his old trick. He was really showing out. So when he took my colicky horse to his hospital, I sent Rocket along too thinking that gelding him would do the trick. WRONG! So I went to my local coop and ask this lady that worked there if she knew of someone who could take him and teach him some manners that wouldn't break me. That afternoon a young man called and told me that not only was he a trainer, but also a farrier. Rocket's feet looked horrible and he refused to stand for the farrier. So I let this young man take him to his farm for three weeks. He worked with him every day and when he brought him home, I thought it was someone else's horse. He is now very calm, stands for the farrier, no longer bites or kicks. I have had a life-long affiliation with horses, but to this day I don't know how to get them to behave, at least with situations such as this one. I strongly suggest you find someoone who has experience with yearlings and send him for some lessons in good manners. Believe me, you will never be sorry for doing this, you will be very thankful. Best Of luck to you

Can two new rabbits get on with my current rabbit?

you cannot just add a rabbit or 2 and expect they will all get along. Trios firstly are very, very tricky. Even the easiest to bond combo spayed/neuterd female-male can be tricky. Betty will likely react as them being intruders. Rabbit bonding is something that needs to be done under strict supervison in small netral space and it does take time and patience. I don't see how you can have an 8th acre of bunny proofed land as domestic rabbits are from wild European rabbits and burrough also they are not protected from perdators both 4 legged and winged.

Need sum advice on my diet whilst weight training 4 times a week?

Check to make sure that your protein shakes are actually really good for you, because a lot of the time they aren't. I always recommend not skimping on how much food your body needs, but it sounds as though some of your serving sizes are kinda large. Try to only drink water, because it definitely sounds like you have enough protein. Have more vegetables as your snacks. If you have cravings for food, and you're actually hungry, then eat a little, but if you aren't hungry, just have some water. Or celery. It has negative calories, so it's kinda like eating nothing.

Do books mold or mildew when they get wet?

My book got very wet, will it grow mold or anything? It is a very large book, as in it has a lot pages. It is "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer.

Do i have ocd? i'm not sure...?

Today Some girls in my class were talking about ocd and then when i walked over one of them said "Grace i think you have it" and they all agreed. I asked why and they said its because i always brush my hair and wash my hands and put hand sanitiser on. I don't think it is ocd but i'm not sure

Practice SAT essay feedback?

Idk if it's because of the time that you had, but this is a really rough paper. you have a lot of well thought out background information to support your statements, in what I gleaned from a quick sweep of it, but I can notice MANY grammatical errors. This can sometimes break a paper even more so than lack of significant examples and information. I personally do not feel like identifying them, I'm sure someone will however. Other than that you're fine :)

Will a dehumidifier help?

dehumidifier yes. take damp towels out of bathroom daily, leave door open. a floor fan blowing air into the room will also help more than the crappy fan. or replace the fan. wipe areas with diluted bleach. appliances now come with a rating, while includes an estimate of monthly cost of operation. see if you can find energy efficient humidifiers and I bet your AC costs will come down. Humidity is the most challenging element for ACs.

Got rear ended by a truck.?

I drive a Honda Passport and the guy who hit us was in a Dodge Ram, needless to say we got the worst of the damage busted out our rear window, dented up the rear hatch, doesnt openn now, and dented the bumper a little. The front of his truck lined up with our spare tire so I think that prevented any worse damage. Went throu all the steps as far as callin the police and my insurance n all that good stuff. His insurance called us today and said they have to find an out of state rep. to come look at our car and when they do they will call us. (guy was from OK and we are in MO) So tomorrow morning i am off to get my own estimate on the damage. ? A: how long is it gonna take for my car to be fixed? i dnt have renters insurance so im driving without a rear window right now. B: are they going to send me a check and reapair is up to me or are they going to send my car to their own shop and pay them direct? C: what if my guys estimate is diff. from the insurance guys? and D: car is only worth abt $2000 so if its estimated that repairs will be more than that does that mean they will consider my car totalled? and finally E: Some things were ruined due to rain on our drive home, we were on vacation so had lots in the back of the car and had a long drive home, is there anyway i can get compensated for those things. it was my lil girls stroller and her pack n play, (expensive gear that now is mildewed) any answers would be appreciated.

Pregnant and lightly bleeding can this be ok?

I took a test today and it was a very faint positive. My period has been messed up since I got my Mirena out a few months ago so I didn't really know when my period was late. So for the last week or two I have been taking a test every other or every 3 days. So the test being faint doesn't concern me since it was negative only 3 days ago. The last 3 days I have been getting bleeding very light like after sex the other night i was so i just thought it was my period so I put a tampon in and called it a day the next day I wake up and take the tampon out to realize it has nothin on it. okk so i again brushed it off and went about my business and then the next 2 days today included once or twice a day I will go to the bathroom and wipe and there will be blood it will mostly be brown with a tiny bit of pink/red. I have been soo confused by it and its obviously not my period so I took the 2 tests this morning and got the positive but I just don't really know what to think of it. I have an appt with my primary care doctor 2morro and I will bring it up to him, I am also cramping but I always cramp while pregnant(this would be my 3rd) so I dont think that means too much and its not like the miscarriage I had before but I cant help but be worried and figured I would ask here to see if anyone else had light bleeding in the beginning and went on to have healthy babies. Thanks in advance for any answers = )

Suspect that I have BPD...?

You should consult a psychiatrist; you may be narcissistic as well as being aspergers or some other personality disorder other than BPD. If your doctor is "baffled" get another better experienced doctor.

Could i use sally hansens brush on hair removal on my pubic area?

i just bough some yesterday and i was wondering if i could use it all over down there if im really careful. i know i cant get any inside of me because it would burn like hell, but i want to try it because shaving is just terrible for me and im afraid to get a wax. i would like to get one but im only 16 and would feel very uncomfortable to get one. :/ have any of you tried using this "down there" and how long should i keep it on for?

Are some people just predisposed to violence?

If your father was a violent man and he beat you, your siblings and your mother are you destined to do the same thing? What if his father was the same way too? What if you find it difficult to suppress your aggression and have an urge for violence. Can you really stop genetics?

Should/how can i be more open?

Im gay and i told my mother this when i was 12. At the time she went into denial and would always tell me i was just "confused". This lasted up until 8th grade when i started being bullied over my sexuality. Now im in highschool and i am certain of my sexuallity. I have had a very hard time bringing up the subject of who im interested in to my mother, on the count of the fact that she is constantly thinking im dating girls that im just close friends with. Sometimes when the time calls for it she will very quickly mention me being gay but always seems to mention it as if it where a condition i had or a disease.She has even sent me to a religious councilor when i was younger and his approach to my sexuality was that i needed to suppress it. I took this as a grain of sand and soon was able to quit going. I feel that in order for me and my mother to become closer i need to be able to openly discuss my interests in love and relationships but im not sure i can. My question is... Should i try to establish openes about this topic with my mom? and if i should how do i do so?

Best way to get rid of cigarette smellon breath?

People who do not smoke will almost always smell it. If you really shouldn't be smoking or don't want to get caught, don't smoke.

How to tell someone to brush their teeth..?

POLITELY. he asked me out, and the only thing is his teeth look kinda.. grimey.. only sometimes though. but how do i politely tell or hint for someone to brush their teeth.. LOL

Where do you put your makeup brushes for the airport?

I'm going on vacation and I don't know here do I put my makeup brushes. On my suitcase or on my handbag? Thnks

Help with my teeth and toothbrush.?

ok i feel like the toothbrushes my dentist are giving me are junk cause i brush twice a day or more sometimes and every 6 months i come back and they say it doesn't look like you've been brushing and that is embarassing i'm a 16 yr old guy. Is there like a good electric toothbrush brand that is good for my teeth? if you know a good toothbrush brand whether electric or not plz tell me and what is the best paste brand, mouthwash, teethwhitening kit(if those even help cuz my teeth are somewhat yellower than i would like)

Cucumber Plant Leaves Drying And Wilting?

Cucumber leaves and drying and wilting. I have white powdery mildew. Is that the cause. I sprayed a homeade fungicide on it with baking soda and water. Is my plant still going to grow?

Does anyone know of an insect that likes to eat mould or mildew?

I was wondering if snails or slugs like to eat it; then I got wondering just what is the natural enemy of it?

I did a soil test on a new area for my vegetable patch?

I did a soil test from Ferry-Morse. I am moving my vegetable garden about 2 acres, because of Blight and Mildew and Japanese Beetles. The PH was about 7.5, a little more green than the Neutral, a little less green than Alkaline. The Nitrogen was non-existent, didn't register at all. The Phosphorous was also non-existent, didn't register at all. The Potash also like the PH, A little more than medium, a little less than high. I am growing the regular vegetables, Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans. But I really need a great amount of vegetables as I am donating to the local food pantry. I added Chicken manure from our hen house, 3 weeks ago. Tilled it in, after we dug up the new ground. I have an organic garden, I try not to use chemicals. I used to get big beautiful plants, Tomatoes, cukes, everything, last year in my old garden. But after about 3 months, everything started to rot. Now that I moved the garden, the soil is sandy and it has great dirt. The lawn there used to be beautiful. And I'm trying to stay away from the area's that got water soaked and bred fungus and molds. I live in Michigan, I should of planted last week. What should I do to the soil to get it ready and should I wait to plant until after I treat the soil, or can I at least put the plant's in the ground and treat the soil later? What should I do to the soil to bring it up to what it should be? Thank you so much for your time!

Mildew - will freezing kill it?

I have some nice paper Christmas boxes and a tablecloth. All smell a bit mildewy. I am wondering if I put them in the freezer, will this help?

Is my body plotting against me?

It annoys the hell out of me. Whenever I see an attractive male or female, my penis shoots straight and it ALWAYS leaves me in an awkward position. God forbid, if an attractive person flashes on the screen while I'm watching T.V. with my family and my dick goes to attention like a brainwashed marine. There have been many uneasy discussions throughout my family regarding my rebellious libido, which miraculously decides to stop working whenever I'm about to get some. Every sexual experience I have ever had has ended with me apologizing, and my partner saying 'its ok' while trying to suppress a laugh.Please Help, what am I to do???

What kind of make-up should I be using?

If u have zits all over your face STOP wearing consealer and start washing your face. Don't wear makeup for like two weeks and their will be much improvement

Is my sense of humor immature for my age? (20 yrs old)?

i have a buddy he(trust me) acts 10x goofier then you......hes one of my best buds he will never let you stop laughing....get some new friends who enjoy you, just dont go over the top it can get a bit annoying when the time to be serious comes be serious, other then that act a fool

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have a smell of mold or mildew coming from the faucet in my bathroom.The water doesnt smell from the toilet?

or the tank.My plumber says that's impossible.But its true .How can I get rid of the smell?Is it in the faucet ,the pipes,Help!!!!

What do i do about this boy?

i have a friend who is a boy (i am a boy and gay) that i really like. we've been friends for about two years and last year i told him that i liked him. he's my closest guy friend and we talk pretty much everyday. he has stated multiple times that he is 100% straight and that he doesn't have feelings for me the way i do for him. yet he tells me that he loves me all of the time. im not looking to convert him or to make him like me but i'm looking for a way to be his friend and not have such strong feelings for him. he is a really good friend and i want to continue to be friends but it is quite hard with all of my feelings that i have for him. we have decided to stop talking for a certain amount of time in the past to help me to overcome my feelings for him and to try to suppress my feelings for him but it has not worked. what do i do?

Can the state remove statements & 911 calls from a case ?

Witness made statement against my son.along with 5-911calls sayn ,he the gunman is here !!!! The witnesses son directed police to a gun.3 of my children & myself were taken to the station.Thereafter afraid for my children I said the gun was mine in an agreement to have charges dropped against my children . The state removed all the critical evidence all except the statement I had given. No gun powder test was taken .can my attorney file a motion to suppress evidence & squash arrest.

Why are my gums bleeding?

I have good teeth and am regularly at the dentist, so why are my gums bleeding? Do certain foods cause it? I electric brush and floss - so don't know why they are.

Do you think Antonio is right not to pay the transferrable fee?

I know a guy named Antonio who was required to move because he had reported his apartment had mildew and he had to move for construction. His apartment charged him a transferrable fee and he took the keys and never paid it because he said that his lease does not state that a tenant should pay a fee when requested by his landlord to move.

Does Tim's Property Manager make any sense?

Tim will find himself in court where the LL sues him and wins a Judgment then YOU will find, in most states, wages garnished and bank accounts attached.

Walked to the house with an awful smell; is it a dead animal in the walls or mildew?

I noticed a faint awful smell in part of the house yesterday. I thought maybe a mouse had died in the walls or something. It smells awful. We went out this morning and returned and the whole house smells this way. My husband says it smells like mildew. I don't know what it is or even where to begin. Nothing obvious. The AC is working fine; could there be a leak and it is mildew? The smell came on suddenly. I think its a dead rodent. Anyone have any ideas SERIOUSLY or experience with this? Thanks.

Which college should I go to?

Go to the one that you prefer. There is no point in going to a college that you don't like as you will have to spend there quite some time and if you don't feel comfortable you won't do well in your grades. Choose the one with which you feel more comfortable and don't worry too much. Good Luck!

Why havent i been able to sleep at night ?

Jamila; The reason you cannot sleep can he one of many courses , Such as you are worried,Depressed, and insufficient exercise . IN the latest report from the U.K . it is saying that the majority of people who complain about their inability to sleep properly are worriers ,They are people who feel they carry a great burden or responsibility ,have great ambitions or perhaps are carrying a burden of guilt.One of the best ways to getting a good nights sleep is to get some exercise in the evening before going to bed just try and take a small walk around the block .if you can not get out of your house then work on a programn of exercises that you can do in your home.I did a course on this with Life line , People who suffer from depression often find it extremely difficult to sleep.because depression some times follows a personal crisis such as the feeling of failure,or continues after a physical illness such as the flu or jaundice.What ever you do do not let your doctor try and precribe putting you on {anti depressents} The best sleeping pill to be on is Mogadon this drug represses the activity of your Brainstem and also relieves anxieties by its effect on the hemispheres and makes sleep easier.Hope this will help you , but please check it out with your doctor. Peace to you

Nail polish bottle thing?

Could you clean of the brush part of the nail polish top thing and use it in a different color or would that mess it up?

Any Complaints About the United States of America?

U.S. Government has a very sad history of abuse against Americans. The people who founded the U.S. were evil in their endeavors of slavery, murder of the native peoples, suppression of women's rights, greed for ill gotten gain, etc... The United States is still to this day suppressing Americans. If you look at this United States for what it really stands on, it's foundation is bondage of the American people. I hope U.S. goes bankrupt and frees America from taxes, bondage, suppression, confusion, warmongering, evil abuse. What are your complaints?

How do you get the smell of mildew out of clothes?

forgotten clothes in the washer for a day or two smell like mildew. I rewash clothes and use good smelling soap and dryer sheets, but once the items are worn, sweat and humidity makes them smell like mildew again. how can i get the smell out without damaging clothes? cant always use bleach

Seeing a black panther in dream?

I'm not really sure about panthers but to see a black cat in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck. In particular, if the black cat is biting, clawing or attacking you, then the dream means that you must acknowledge what your intuition is trying to tell you. You can no longer ignore it. Do not be afraid to face the situation. If you see a white cat, then it denotes difficult times. Hope this helped! :)

Muslim parents won't even let me associate with guys?

So my life pretty much sucks. My family are super strict muslims, however I feel like religion just isn't for me. I respect Islam and other religions as a guide for life but I just want to live my life without petty restrictions. I'm 16 and my parents won't even let me associate with guys won't let me hang out with them, text/call them, flirt, and dating is out of the question. My mom recently stole my phone saw that I harmlessly flirt with guys and she took away everything made me delete my fb, took away my phone, my tv, and all my fabric for making clothes and my car. So basically I go behind my parents back they find out punish me then my life sucks. I want to live for me now and not for what/who they want me to be. So basically my question is how can i get my freedom? I know for a fact that sitting down and talking to them won't work because I've tried it before. I'm 16 by the way. Only 2 more years till college and I know if I'm suppressed any longer I'll just end up going crazy in college. Thanks for the help!

How do I kill mold in my car?

I don't know if it was there when I bought the car last august, or if my husband lied about spilling something when he borrowed it for an out of state trip a couple months after. It is on the floor in the back seat right under where the floor mat goes. I keep cleaning it, but it keeps coming back and it is making my car smell like mildew!!!!! It just keeps coming back. I don't put the floor mat on it. I try to let it air out as much as I can after cleaning, but it rains a lot here and I don't have a garage. Everyone keeps telling me to put bleach onit, but that will bleach the carpet! Or tear up the carpet and put bleach underneath. Ya cuz that's not gonna ruin it..... Please help!

Are there any manga with characters who...?

love the main character but do not show it? like they do show it but brush it off and call the main character stupid?

Is an inch of toothpaste okay to swallow?

I was brushing my teeth a little while ago an i put around an inch, maybe an inch and a half of toothpaste on the brush. Usually after you're done brushing, you spit and you see most of it come back out. I didn't see around an inch come out, I only saw a little and saliva. So I may have swallowed some, I'm not 100% sure. But I was just wondering if it's only harmful if you swallow a massive amount like an entire tube or even half the tube?

My climbing rose leaves have become mildewed?

which I treated correctly The leaves then looked scorched and further leaves are distorted there are tiny blackfly too I got rid of a lot of them but the rest are sticky and the whole thing looks terrible the flowers however are good and there are lots blooming Should I wait until its flowered and then cut in down or take it out completely This is its second year and I am inclined to think that the soil is to blame as the wall is the side of my house Any help please as I hate to kill plants if they can be saved

Can fish die from mildew?

i fed my oscar some crickets and after the 8 one i realized there was mildew on them , will that kill him or make him sick

How do you clean up a messy, filthy room that a old dog likes to use as a bathroom so you can have people over?

Hi, My room is messy, and I don't mean paper, trash, clothes, and stuff everywhere dirty like everyone else's room, I mean all that and more dirty. I have not cleaned the thing in about a year, my moms dog likes to "visit" every once and a while to leave her "peas and carrots", and the bad part is that every other room in the whole entire house looks even worse than this. Even the basement, which I am to scared to visit when my dad is home. Even rooms I never go in look like this, so I think I have some of work to do unless I add a door to my room, which we all know is never going to happen. I need to get everything out, including the smell of it, which smells sorta like a combo of one subway (the entire store, not just one sandwich), mildew, 1000 male cats, and a swimming pool full of a female iguana's urine... Oh, and just a hint of BO.

2 year old and brushing teeth?

I started brushing my daughters teeth when she first got her 2 teeth. I brushed with flouride free toothpaste and now i found out that she has cavities. (shes 2 years old) I started brushing with flouride tooth paste. But i cant get her to spit it out at times, she likes to swallow it at times. But what i want to know is it really bad for her to swallow it.? I use a little tooth paste every time. What can happen if she swallows it?

Diplopia is ruining my life?

This doesn't quite make sense. The problem with amblyopia is that you can't quit suppressing the image from the bad eye. If you have than it doesn't seem reasonable that you will start suppressing it again. First of all make sure that your double vision comes from your two eyes not working together. If you cover your bad eye, does one image go away? If not, you probably have astigmatism in your good eye and need glasses or contacts. If it does go away, you need to see someone else. It is worth trying prism or vision therapy to see if you can get the images to merge. If that doesn't work, you can do something to eliminate the image from your bad eye. A patch would be one solution. You could also wear an occluder contact if you don't like the look of a patch.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Do I have a type of Bipolar Disorder? Or something else?

Well obviously your first move should be to get to a psychiatris to get diagnosed so you can get medication for it. If you've got family history of it, then it's pretty likely that you've got it. And unless there's history of other mental health issues in your family, then if anything it's going to be Bipolar. Hope things go well for you! xx

Can I sue my Landlord?

I just went through this with a tenant and I am a landlord - do it legally - go through the courts or you could face eviction and be sued.

(Guys only, please) Does he like me or am I blowing this way out of proportion?

Absolutely likes you! If he is touching or brushing you and asking you to come to what he is doing he is definitely interested. Ask him if would like to take you to a movie or for a milkshake or something and get started.

Electric powered golf cart very slow?

Really sounds like a loose ground wire. Check for hot cables which could indicate heavy draw. Depending on how hard you hit that pot-hole, you could have an alignment problem with a motor.

Why is there blood in my mucous?

Yesterday I had a headache (no fever) and a sore throat. When I woke up this morning and brushed my teeth i coughed up some mucous and it was bloody. So I blew my nose and there was no blood in it. Why is this?

Sony F21z1e Nivia onscreen message for some 3d?

ok my computer when i play some 3d stuff says " This application is not rated by nvidia corp rating unknown press cortl alt insert to toggle this info. The screensavers are auto running in 3d which id like to stop going 3d auto and also how do i suppress this nvidia message

Airsoft problem????????????????

Ok so i got a G&G RK-47 about 2 months ago and it is my first airsoft gun and now im having some problems. It only fires 4-5 bbs per 8-10 times i shoot it and the rest fall out of the barrel. I know when its not shooting because it makes a kind of suppressed noise . Any ideas?

My nails break too easily?

The reason your nails are so brittle is because you're not getting enough calcium. Try taking calcium supplements with your daily vitamins or just drinking more milk!

Cavities in a 2 year old?

All of my five kids started seeing the dentist at about one or one and a half. We brushed (and they do on their own now) their teeth regularly and flossed daily. None of my kids had any cavities until one of my twins just recently. They are identical in every way, they eat the same, they brush their teeth with the same type of toothbrush and paste and at the same time. They don't drink soda, kool-aid or tea. They have the same diets and dental routines but one has perfect teeth with no cavities and the other has cavities on both sides of her mouth and even has a little bit of nerve damage on one of the teeth. Our normal pediatric dentist doesn't fix cavities on children that young and referred us to an pediatric oral surgeon about an hour away. This is because they usually want to sedate and use laughing gas on children this young to eliminate any fear later on in life and so that they are not traumatized. The side effects of sedation are minimal to the damage that can be done to the nerves if the cavities go without being delt with, even though they will loose them eventually. Don't get yourself down, our dentist told us that some kids just have bad teeth, and some kids can go without brushing and have no problems. As long as you are keeping her teeth clean and limiting the sugary drinks that can coat her teeth and just stay there, you are doing great. One of my daughters issues may be that they drink soy milk, which can be very sweet, but the dentist still told me that there are kids that just have bad teeth. Make sure you prep your daughter lots before the appointment. The thing that scared my kids the most was the size of the dentist chair and when it lay ed all the way back flat. Good luck

Why is there so much hypocrisy when it comes to finding people attractive due to their looks?

Read about half of it and completely agree with you there. People can say what they want but if the other person doesn't float your boat physically then what's the point.

Muslim parents won't even let me associate with guys?

So my life pretty much sucks. My family are super strict muslims, however I feel like religion just isn't for me. I respect Islam and other religions as a guide for life but I just want to live my life without petty restrictions. I'm 16 and my parents won't even let me associate with guys won't let me hang out with them, text/call them, flirt, and dating is out of the question. My mom recently stole my phone saw that I harmlessly flirt with guys and she took away everything made me delete my fb, took away my phone, my tv, and all my fabric for making clothes and my car. So basically I go behind my parents back they find out punish me then my life sucks. I want to live for me now and not for what/who they want me to be. So basically my question is how can i get my freedom? I know for a fact that sitting down and talking to them won't work because I've tried it before. I'm 16 by the way. Only 2 more years till college and I know if I'm suppressed any longer I'll just end up going crazy in college. Thanks for the help!

Does the emptiness ever go away?

I've had that feeling for years. I describe it as 'dead' and sometimes I even start to figure I feel so dead why not just BE dead... I suggest getting a counselor and possibly going on meds. Meds should not be done without counseling and often counseling helps without the meds becoming involved.

Why are White Males screwed over in America?

There are laws protecting different races, there are laws protecting Women but there is no law protecting white males? Why does my generation have to pay for the mistakes that were made by my ancestors? Also, there is a public school down the street that is only open for African Americas... but if there was one for any other race that would be unlawful. There are laws trying to get passed to make test like S.A.T.s easier for women and the same for test being a Doctor or firefighter. I don't know but do you want someone who is not qualified to be a Doctor or firefighter. Why is our government become unfair? I know they have been suppressed for a long time but we got passed that we came to our senses. Why am I paying for it?

Would you trust this person to groom?

sorry no i wouldn't trust a 15yr old to groom my dogs. does she know how to handle all dogs? some dogs with under coats can't be cut like normal dogs. I know you said you have a yorkie i am just wondering I have two terriers and their groomer said that most terriers they have groomed hate to have their feet touched as mine do would she know what to do? unless i knew her or had a friend use her then no. good luck

What is wrong with me and why am I like this?

My head is like chaos... it is like suppressed thoughts all going round in my head at once. Sometimes I get flashbacks of bad things that have happened in my life (being bullied etc) and it is making my life hell. I have a new friend called Sharon and she said I could come up to her house but when I got there she said she didn't want me there so I suddenly felt even worse... like intense rage and went back home and started slashing my wrists to get rid of all the pain. On top of that, I have a 'friend' that comes round everyday just to use my internet connection and drink my tea and when I tell him to leave or when I am going to go out he starts complaining and saying that I don't think of other people so I am forced to stay in while he downloads games but I don't know how to get rid of him because if I try too hard he shouts at me. I feel like I am a messed up individual in this chaotic world. I am confused and don't know what to do anymore... The only thing that really briefly takes my mind off everything is visiting my local graveyard and sitting on the bench. I talk to the dead people, they are the only real friends I have. My stomach and chest doesn't feel right, I have often thought of what a relief it would be to stab myself in the chest, not just to die but to get rid of that numb feeling that I have in my chest.

Bad childhood and my extreme anger?

uhh what can i say?you should be happy that you're still alive.I recommend you to go to the school psychologist and talk with him,he will understand your and he will give you some good advices.Btw i liked how you narrated everything :)

Just moved house agency from old house being very rude and threatening advice needed?

I have just moved house. The house I moved from I had lived in and rented for 6 1/2 years. When we first looked at the house before moving in we thought the place was a joke. It was discusting. The carpets were badly ripped and soaked in dog urine and there was dog urine over the walls and the house was generally dirty and not really habitable.We walked away but in the end had to change our mind as we were desperate. We could not find any where else to rent and had a baby and needed a roof over our head. We asked the landlord if he could change the carpets and re decorate he refused. So before we could move in we had to replace all the carpets at our own expense and had to re decorate at our own expenss. We never like living there are all the time we were looking for some where else but could not find any where. The house was horrible. The hot water and heating did not work properly, the gas fire did not work and was the only heating down stairs. They never had the boiler or gas fire fully serviced in the whole time we lived there. The back of house kept flooding but land lord would not do any thing, the house had big damp, mould and mildew problems in every room. We are so glad to have finally left that house. When we moved out we completly redecorated and cleaned the house well. Today I recieved a very rude threatening letter demanding I pay for thing that were already broken when moved in, they say my decorating was not good enough and that ive got to pay for a proffessional decorator to re decorate whole house. The list goes on its rediculouse, they even state some thing about a new pair of trousers that I need to pay for as they aparently got covered in paint which isnt possible as when handed key in all paint was dry. What are my legal rights do i have to pay this huge long bill. Is seems rediculous and unfair and I feel the land lord and agent are having a laugh. It clearly states in lease agreement that have to leave property in same condition as when moved

Does a sew-in damage your hair?

It is important to cleanse, dry & moisturize your natural hair/scalp while wearing a sew in. Yes, you should use a hooded dryer after washing your sew-in/hair. You can opt for a sew in with an invisible part and/or closure & ask your stylist to leave no natural hair exposed. While wearing the sew-in it may be easier for you to opt for washing once a week and skipping your rinse, unless you don't mind spending the extra time under the dryer.

Why do we guarantee Egypt's debt offerings when they hold Americans captive?

What is Obama thinking? Instead of intervening in Libya, maybe we should have suppressed the Egyptian revolt. Isn't it better to have wild mobs suppressed? Oh wait, I forgot Obama is anti-Israel.

Most of my dvd cases smell of mildew. (I have over 200...) What to do?

take the paper out of them and soak them in hot water with some bleach. I will not promise this will yellow them. Depends on the chemical make up of the plastic and how much bleach you use. but I'm sure it will get rid of the smell.

Swollen Gums with Braces?

I've had braces for several months now and noticed that my gums have gotten really swollen. I went to the dentist's office and they just said to brush better. Well, it's been a few weeks now and I've been using Crest Pro Health Mouthwash and toothpaste, yet the swelling has not decreased by any noticeable amount. They don't bleed when I brush, they seem normal other than the fact that they're a really bright pink and "squishy". My dentist didn't act as if it was something incredibly serious, they just said to brush better. I've been brushing three times a day, using warm salt water rinses and all of that, but to no avail. I just want to get rid of this! It's gross and I don't like it at all!

How do I kill mold in my car?

I don't know if it was there when I bought the car last august, or if my husband lied about spilling something when he borrowed it for an out of state trip a couple months after. It is on the floor in the back seat right under where the floor mat goes. I keep cleaning it, but it keeps coming back and it is making my car smell like mildew!!!!! It just keeps coming back. I don't put the floor mat on it. I try to let it air out as much as I can after cleaning, but it rains a lot here and I don't have a garage. Everyone keeps telling me to put bleach onit, but that will bleach the carpet! Or tear up the carpet and put bleach underneath. Ya cuz that's not gonna ruin it..... Please help!

How can I fix this dental problem?

Well first of all, if you still have your baby teeth, maybe you could wait out on fixing your teeth. Once you have your adult teeth, then its worth it to invest on whitening solutions. As for the gaps, you could go to an orthodontist and get braces or invisalign trays. But sometimes, gaps aren't fixable and you'll just have to deal with it. For now, I suggest brushing and flossing atleast twice a day , using mouthwash and a tongue scraper to freshen your breath, and a whitening toothpaste if you'd like.

Revlon Colorstay foundation problem?

okay so I found the best way for me to apply the CS foundation is by using a stippling brush. But now it's reallyyyy hard to get the foundation completely off of my brush ...wait, let me rephrase that, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the foundation off of my brush. I use a gentle facial cleanser to clean my brushes and it used to work with my other foundations but it doesn't work with this one. Suggestions?

Why does my washing machine smell?

it seems it may have mildew in it? the clothes seem to smell musty even after they just finished being washed. i leave the door to the washer open b/c i know it helps it air out. but i think somehow i got mildew in it? i don't know where mildew accumulates in washers. why do you think this is, or what is it and how do i get rid of it? thanks for your help.

I really want a boyfriend!?

I really want a girlfriend too seriously maybe you should try talking to guys and flirt with them... trust me i know how u feel but rite now im feeling way worse knowing that i had a chance and i let it almost completely pass i never felt like this before i feel like i wanna kill myself do urself a favor talk to any guy the first chance you get and dont give up u dont wanna feel how i do..

My room has an odd smell, what household items could I use to remove it?

It started recently, I've also noticed that two of our bathrooms are beginning to have a very odd stench. I attribute it to mildew, and help would be much appreciated


You need to find the place your trunk is leaking water into it when it rains. It could be around the tail light fixtures or other place, but there's a leak. You will need to pull the carpeting out enough to let the water dry under the carpeting. Just spraying something on top of the carpeting won't fix the problem.

I want a relationship with my Dad!?

If you have talked to your dad about your relationship with him and he ignores it, he probably doesn't care about you. I know that it might be hard to accept that, but that is kind of what it seems like. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to ignore him. It may seem mean and it might be a hard thing to do, but if he keeps ignoring your pleas for a better relationship, he's not worth your time. Sometimes, if you ignore people long enough, they eventually start to crave your attention and care and if he does, don't give it ti him. Make him suffer a little longer, you know. Give him a taste of his own medicine and show him what it feels like to be shunned by someone that's supposed to be important in their life. I hope that things will get better for you and your dad.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trying to grow my eyebrows back...?

brush them everyday, Sadly to say if u did that eyebrows always take long to grow. trust me this happen to me. But, it always take about 2 weeks to grow back, but dont put no more chemical or things on ur eyebrows just wait but they will grow back just brush them and leave them alone.

I really like this guy but i think he has a girlfriend what should i do?

i have been seeing this guy off and on for the past few years. i think he may have a girlfriend he wont add me on Facebook..... know a tad childish to care but it kinda strikes me as odd. could this in fact be because he is seeing someone else? there is a girl who always has a photo of the two of them and i have a feeling they are more than friends and when i ask him he just brushes me off and tells me she is his ex and they are no longer together. but this kinda rubs me the wrong way. should i just go ask her? i no it could be an awkward thing to do,, it i have strong feelings about cheating and i could never do that to another women.. so what i'm asking is thoughts and a new prospective

How do I get my parents to move out of this nasty house?

Its time for renovations if the roof is collapsing the roaches mice they will get sick Im surpised they did not condemn the house, We had mice in one of our apts >My sons wife called the board of health on me.I told them that she was harassing my family and she was retaliating because ,she was fighting with my daughter,Well anyway I told my son that where I once had a dryer vent there was a hole under the siding .I think thats where they were comming from.Later years the apartment was renovated and we did find an old nest in the rafters which i believed thats were the mice came from it was in the same area of the dryer vent.I do know of some people who lived like paulpers lived without upgrading their house they had other rental properties also.When they passed there was so much money found in a closet was $9000 from a graduation the mother put the cards away and forgot. Then there were stocks$ 600,000 and +bonds insurance policies the Mom died first 3 months later the dad died The bank called the daughter because the Dad was buying a new truck for himself paying by cash, he was getting senile he bought it and died a month later.anyways my friend said she could,nt belive how they lived like paulpers but yet they had so much money.I think they wanted to give it to the kids,and make sure they had a good life they already had homes that were bought and paid for.Maybe this is why your parents are not renovating.

Best MAC foundation? help.?


Which fabric should I use for cushions on an outdoor antique glider?

I have this thought from an antique glider I saw at a boutique once with pastel shabby chic euro pillows in pinks greens and creams. Thus far, I have been unable to find outdoor fabric in the colors I want, so is there another fabric that I could use? I would like to use something soft and have more couch-type cushions on it instead of a flat foam form and rough outdoor fabric. I live in Texas (in the Brazos Valley area) and wonder about mildew and lifespan...

How much money for a new roof-mildew rotted through shingles?

This is actually for a homework assignment so I just need a *really* rough estimate of the cost. Pretend the house is slightly above average if that matters. If you could give me a range that would be fantastic...

Where is moisture in my attic coming from?

I had a mildew issue in my attic which was remediated (sprayed, scrubbed, painted with some protectant paint, and dried out with a space heater). We didn't have any issues with mold growth in the the house but we obviously didnt want to leave it unchecked, and no problems ever since. This winter I poked my head into the attic and noticed a good amount of frost, not a real thick coating, but a decent coating on the flat boards and nails. Ive been trying to figure out where the moisture is coming from. Nothing leaks when it rains, I sealed up every type of spot where heat could be getting up there through ceiling fans and things like that. Recently during a rain storm I noticed some water looked as though is was going behind my gutters and dripping off from underneath the gutter. Out of curiousity I looked back up in the attic, and sure enough there was a small spot of mildew in the proximity of where the water was running behing the gutter outside. What are the chances that water getting behind the gutter and soaking the fascia board could be the cause of the moisture in the attic, and if so is there a simple way to fix this? Thanks for any help, its would really set my mind at ease. Im going to take some pictures tommorow of outside and in so if those would help

God im starving on my diet:( How do i suppress hunger?

Go on the Atkins diet. The weight will come off so fast you won't believe it. The best part? No hunger.!! as long as you stick to the foods on the diet there is NO limit everyday. You can eat as much as you want and still lose weight because you are not eating carbs. Look into it.

Is my mildew'd towel dangerous for me? 10 points?

If you have allergy sensitivities, you may notice some complications from breathing this type of air 24/7. Try and dry your towels on a daily basis, do not allow them to lie around damp, this will help you avoid future lung in-capacities.

What is this odor (female) ?

Ok so, I'm a 23 year old married woman, and have been on birth control for about 3 years (Yaz). I have only slept with one person and that is my husband. We don't use condoms and we do not pull out; he ejaculates inside me. For the past year and a half, it seems, whenever we have sex and he ejaculates inside me, I get a weird, fishy, foul odor the next few days to follow coming from my vagina. It's almost like a mildew smell, and I feel so embarassed as if everyone around me could smell it too! It only comes though when we have sex, I do not get this odor out of the blue, and it happens when he ejaculates inside me. Could it just be the smell of semen that has been sitting in there? I really enjoy my sex life with my husband- love it! But I hate dreading the scent I know is going to follow the next few days. Help!

I have old built in wardrobes.Leather items go moldy/mildewy in here?Why?

Why Would that be and what can I do about it.It is an old house.Furs are not affected and fabric seems to resist this strain of mold and mildew.Shoes,fine leather clothing,etc are affected.Should the real estate fix it for me.I pay rent in Australia.

Question about diet supplements?

has anyone tried a pill called proactol, if so is it any good? i've heard it's very good for suppressing the appetite.

Am I responsible for last month's rent under these conditions?

In my previous apartment I was not given a room to transfer to (even though one was available) because I had rejected paying a transferrable fee that my landlord insisted on charging me (even though it was not mentioned in the lease) when he had gave me a room to transfer to after ordering construction in my bathroom and bedroom to remove the mold. I was told to stay by a friend for a week and that it would be resolved but it never did until two weeks after so I had moved into another apartment. However, the same landlord insisted that I pay rent for that month and late fees because according to him he felt that I did not report the mildew growth in a timely fashion even though he told me he felt I was not directly responsible for the mildew growth.

Scorpio girls: Do you feel like it's way too risky to open your heart and to be open with a Capricorn male?

You know you just might have described me perfectly to how I handle relationships. I do weigh the options and if it doesn't fit then I'm gone and if it even seems like it wouldn't work out for me then I'm gone. No goodbye, no I'll ttyl. I'll just go..simple as that. I really dont know why I do this, but I feel like an explaination would not change a thing. So I take the easy way out. Especially when it came to long distance, all I wanted to do was the see the girl but she would make the same excuse and I wa very patient with her. Eventually I wised up and just stopped talking to her and she didn't deserve a reason as to why. Long distance is meaningless and you should never date like that EVER.

What should I do?...if anything at all.?

If hes getting married it would be a good idea to keep your feelings to yourself. If hes marrying this girl obviously she makes him happy and if you really cared about him you would want him to be happy. Most likely speaking your feelings isnt gonna do anything but complicate things

How do I clean Mold or MIldew in my shower?

There are some products like Tilex that work well, or you can make your own by mixing 2/3 water and 1/3 bleach in a spray bottle and apply liberally, then wipe away. A good way to prevent it is to buy a little squeegee wiper and remove most of the water on the walls after a shower. That way, mold/mildew will not easily return.

Is my sense of humor immature for my age? (20 yrs old)?

Well, yeah, humour is all a matter of opinion. I tend to not like "crude" humour (by which I mean excessive sexual jokes and toilet humour or cheap shots) much at all, but a bit of goofiness and clever innuendos can be fun at times. Absurd humour can be pretty funny as well. I can't say I'd get along with your sense of humour entirely, but since you seem to be a fairly mature, reasonable and sincere person apart from that, rather than a lot of the people who use the aformetioned crude humour, I wouldn't hold it against you. Try hanging out in a bit of a looser crowd I guess if it suits you. So long as you can be mature when necessary, I don't think it's a big deal. When you want to have fun, you should be able to follow your sense of humour that you like, just it doesn't always fit in well with a certain group.

Any suggestions for faster hair growth?

My hair is about 2 inches longer than shoulder length and i really want to get it at least 2 inches longer than that by the time i go back to school in mid august! does anyone have any suggestions so that i can get my hair to start growing a little faster?? so far ive been moisturizing and brushing and braiding it alot

Braces off with spots?

I just got my braces off after years a few days ago and ive just noticed on a couple of teeth that had the metal donuts on that there are brown spots on the inside. the man taking them off said they were the hardest to get off he's ever had. The teeth aren't sore or sensitive at all. they aren't holes either, they just seem to be there and it worries me. What are these spots? they aren't very big, or horribly dark brown. just light brown spots that won't go with brushing.

PLUMBING QUESTION? Why is water leaking into my house from floor when sinks and tub drain?

Ok, so when i allow water to drain from either my kitchen sink, bathroom sink or bath tub, stinky water leaks from floorboard area between my kitchen and bathroom. Two days ago i noticed water leaking from underneath my dishwasher. Also noticed some moisture and mildew under my kitchen sink (right next to dishwasher) so today i pulled the dishwasher out figuring something was loose. Well there is no visible leak between the dishwasher connections or underneath the kitchen sink. So i cleaned up the stinky disgusting water that had puddled and peered back behind my kitchen cabinets and it's just aweful!!!! It stinks and i can see build up and mildew and possibly some mold. anyways, theres about a foot of space between the back of my kitchen cabinets and my outside wall and i noticed that when i run water from either of my sinks or my bathtub, water leaks in from what looks like the wall!!! i hope its not a sewage backup!! could it be something loose in the plumbing located outside underneath my siding??? Any suggestions as to what would be causing this would be greatly appreciated!!

I need help with my dry frizzy hair?

wen i take a shower every other day after the shower i gently brush it out and let it air dry and after it drys its all dryed up and frizzy it feels like a barbies hair (plastic) but wen i forgot to take a shower for 4 days it didnt stink or nothing it smelt good my hair was smooth and shiny and no frizzy or dry but it did give me acne from the greasyness and oils in it plz help me i dont want acne but wen my hair isdry my skin is clear

How do you get mildew out of clothes?

My daughter left a pair of her cotton shorts folded up wet and forgot about them. When she went to wash them, they have a mildew stain on the front pocket. Will baking soda get the stain out as well as the odor? She washed with only detergent and it did nothing. How do you apply the baking soda. I'm her dad, and I only know laundry detergent.

I just got a 32 piece brush set and i dont now what half of them are for.?

i dont know what alot of the bushes are specificly used for. i have been looking on the internet for websites but i cant find anything. can anyone help please

Does Tim's Property Manager make any sense?

Landlord tenant laws are different all over the world but in most Tim would be entitled to reimbursement for living quarters elsewhere if the repairs were not done in a timely fashion but he does not have the right to withhold or delay payments and can be evicted for doing so.}{

Why do people get so uptight when someone says they said I love you to their gf/bf after 4 months?

If that is how you feel then the opinions of others are unimportant. However I have never been in a serious relationship so therefore I cannot relate to these feelings. But that does not mean that I don't understand where your coming from. Besides, my world could use a little more love in it right about now, so its good to see someone who is happy.

Teen girls, what's your daily routine in the school year?

Wake up, bathroom, get dressed, do my make up, do my hair, put perfume on, brush my teeth, grab a Red Bull, rush out the door to catch my bus, go to school, and what I do when I come home varies everyday.

Agree or Disagree: Ugly Girls who act all That are the BIGGEST Losers.?

No, that's called confidence. There's nothing wrong with that. Just because you think they're ugly doesn;t mean everyone else thinks so. Moral of the Story:one man's trash is another's treasure

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Would texturizers work on my hair?

im white, but i have very curly, think, unbareable hair. It's never been colored or straightened or anything. but i want to be able to brush it when its dry and wear it down with no products in it, and have it look pretty and normal. What should i do???!!!

Are there alternatives to bleach that are effective at removing mildew from a tub?

I hate using bleach, and the Tilex I have says it contains bleach and isn't recommended for people with asthma (which I have). I have tried vinegar, but it did not work as well as I had hoped it would. Can only recommend any other alternatives that they have tried that worked well?

Is it true that if you wanna sell stuff on ebay...?

Then you must provide your detailed personal information, including your driver license, ID number, SSN, street address and best sniping point to take you out by one shot with a small caliber non-suppressed rifle?

How can I help my friend who was raped?

let her know that you're there for her. tell her that you're her shoulder to cry on. take her for a full on girls night out. spend all your time with her. make sure she's getting what she needs. try to keep her happy. let her know if she's on the verge of suicide that you will be very upset. if it's really really bad and has mentally affected her, i think she might need professional help

How can i fix gimp so it will open?

When ever i try loading gimp it goes to the loading screen and stops on brushes, i deleted all the brushes i had, i have no Fonts installed for it and so when i close it it says (not responding) so i have to click "end now" it closes, but wont open. i have no viruses or stuff of that sort, i deleted it and re installed multiple times but it just wont open. Can anyone out there help? My computer is a 32 bit windows xp with SP3 installed. i don't have any other programs open when i try using it so... i have no idea.

Can I get mold/mildew out of my wood cabinets or do i need to buy new asap?

We just moved into a house and didnt realize that our cabinets have a horrible mold/mildew smell too them... and you can see it on ther too... even like some white residue. We have tons of cabinets so its getting tiresome trying to fix this problem. I tried the diluted bleach and put a little more bleach than the 1 to 3 ratio. And it stayed on there for about a minute and dried it off and it still smells like mold. I have a crawl space and they did have to go under the house through the kitchen by where the sink would be because there were busted water pipes under the house because of freezing in the winter.... Im not sure if this is why i have mold now. All the cabinets have it.... some worse than others. Should I save up and try to get new cabinets asap or can these be fixed? thanks

Was I emotionally neglected?

you poor girl... i thought my life was pretty screwy i feel so bad for you, you need to be able to express yourself and you need a safe clean enviorment!

Wat is the cause of moulds in the interior of a house,?

Moisture causes mold.Especially when its warm or humid.I get it on my bathroom ceiling if I don't clean it for awhile.

{GIRLS}: What can a guy do to make himself more attractive?

Learn guitar. You've got to be good at it though, takes some dedication. Just stumbling through stairway to heaven or basic chording is not impressive, unless you have the voice and songwriting skills to go with it.

Can my apartment take me to court for not paying rent in this scenario?

In the last month that I was under a lease, my apartment took about 3 weeks to do construction in my bedroom/bathroom because of mildew and they did not offer me another room to transfer in because they wanted to charge me $300 for relocating even though they were never able to prove I was responsible for the mildew. Therefore, I had took my rent check and subleased another apartment. In the 3 day notice I have from there it was addressed to the same apartment I was living in so they can't deny it was not fixed.

I'm 17 and have always had thick wavy hair and I think I'm losing it?

I'm not stressed and I'm a very healthful eater. I eat many fruits, veggies, meats and protein. I'm in good shape and hair loss does not run in the family. I think my hair feels thinner and more comes out in the shower and when I brush it. What could be the cause of this?

How can have fun and jet leave the option open for a relationship?

Dont worry too much,you have to play the field and when you meet the one you,ll know.Tends to be when you least expect it so till then relax Max.Take care and good luck

Skin care routine help??!?

Put Clean& Clear acne spot treatment 3 times a day on the spots that you can't clear. It really works.

Is it okay to clean my make-up brushes with baby shampoo after each use?

I have all MAC cosmetic brushes. And I was wondering if it's safe to do so? I rather not go out and buy a SUPER expensive brush cleaner.

Can I put a metal pan in the garbage?

my parents went on 3 week vacation and i didnt know there was food inside a pan on the over now its COVERED in mildew and mold, can I put it in the garbage and put it outside or would this cause a problem for the garbage truck

Not-really-friends taking a joke way to far?

you know what? gothic people are amazing! they always seem to have good advice i dunno why and they're always good to talk to! im sure you have so many good qualities! ignore these stupid people! they are obviously still living in high school, find something you dont like about them and take the mick out of them if it makes you feel better! im not saying bully them more like give them a taste of their own medicine! if not then you could try talking to them about it? ... if all else fails play your music and block them out :) remember your no different to anyone else just because you wear different clothes and listen to different music, your unique and if they wanna be sheep and make fun like the rest of their mates let them because if you show them it doesnt bother you chances are they'll move onto someone else and get bored of you :) hope i helped

Christians, please help me understand...?

Does god send people to hell who have never heard of Jesus or the bible and don't have the means to find out?(Ex: they live in a secluded area) If so, how can you call him a just and fair god. If not, then shouldn't every christians number one priority be to suppress the religion so that no one knows about it and everyone can go to heaven?

Did this girl find me attractive or was this a coincidence?

I was in the grocery store when I noticed this pretty girl looking at me. As soon as I noticed her looking at me, she cut down an isle real quickly. As she did this, she brushed up against the shelving and kept moving along.

Is MAC bronzing powder good and what MAC brush would you use with it?

you could buy a great imitation of mac brushes, they are very similar quality but much cheaper, i alredy got all my collection.

What do you think of my short story?

i love it u should get this a little longer or turn it into a magizean that is the best short story i have ever read

How do I remove mildew from the fabric on a stroller?

I have an old stroller sitting in my garage that I was thinking about donating, but there are a few mildew spots on the seat cover. It doesn't come off otherwise I'd throw the cover in the washer. Any suggestions?

Why do i suppress all my feelings?

Take little steps. Like let yourself get to know someone and make a lot of friends. Tell old friends you miss them. Friends are very important. And whenever that special someone comes along, you won't miss it because you were too scared or whatever the case. It seems that you may be scared of getting hurt.

What can I do to get my washer to stop smelling like something rotten?

I would say about two weeks ago I washed clothes and left for work, my husband had forgotten to put them in the dryer. That night when I came home from work he lied and said he dried and put them away. I didn't think to look in the washer till a couple days later when I was searching and searching for this rotting smell in my house. I found out it was indeed my washer with two day old washed clothes. I rewashed them right away, my clothes didn't smell after I washed them and dried them but my washer still has that rotten smell. If anyone has any ideas to getting rid of the smell please let me know, before I have a repair-man come out and take a look at it. Keep in mind my house smells like mildew very bad. I'll take all the help I can get.

How do i clean my field boots?

Wash them with warm soapy water and dry them off with a cloth. Allow them to dry completely and then apply a good quality boot polish with a shoe brush working it in small circles. The polish with another shoe brush and finish with a cloth.

I can't control my anger.?

I have a really bad anger problem. The slightest thing can set me off, like when someone doesn't close the door or when someone isn't listening and I have to repeat myself. My younger sister is the worst for setting me off. For example, she needed help on something so I helped her but all she did was push me away, etc. This really annoyed me so I started arguing with her and eventually hit her. She, of course, hit me back so this just carried on. I can't stop myself and I can't walk away because I can't deal with the feeling that shes had the last word so I carry on until I 'win'. Its got to the point where suppressing/ trying to suppress my anger causes my head to ache and I feel like I'm burning inside. I don't know what to do. Any ideas? (By the way, my sister is 5 years younger than me) Thanks :)

How do I tell my roommate that I can't afford to pay for air conditioning in April?

It is beautiful outside and I have struggled with many things with my roommate, cleaning, sharing, and now electric bill. I have told her about leaving lights on, and she needs to clean not wipe off little areas and call it clean when something that is usually white is now pink with mildew. I came home on two very nice and cool nights to find the air conditioner cranked up to the max, it can't be more than 65 degrees out. I can't afford to pay it and she couldn't care less. What do I do? Do I make her pay for the ac or do I just keep complaining. I am more than happy with a fan blowing in the summer. Help!

Do you think she was checking me out or no?

I was in the grocery store when I noticed this pretty girl looking at me. As soon as I noticed her looking at me, she cut down an isle real quickly. As she did this, she brushed up against the shelving and kept moving along.

Why do my clothes sometimes come out of the washer smelling like mildew?

It could be the type of material of which the clothes are made. It could be that perspiration is deeply embedded in the material. You may have to consider a baking soda solution soak. There are several "recipes" on the web.

How to disinfect hairbrush ?

My friend was over and I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was using my hairbrush and I'm kind of hygienic is their anyway I can disinfect my brush?

Helpwith others and emotions?

i guess to start i will describe myself in that topic, for those farmiliar with mbti, i am an intp. Introverted-iNtuitive-Thinker-Perciever. I honestly think emotions are irrational. also i have trouble eing intune with others enotions. on a daily basis i dont give a crap. but i love to learn things, and i was dragged into a conversation with my mother and grandmother. the conversation got onto emptions, i told them i think theyre irrational,and i suppress them. There intial response was thats bad to ignore your feelings. i left it at that, but majority of my family and friends say that. my questions are: how can i learn to become more acnolageable to others feelings?, does anyone agree with my thoughts on feelings being irrational? and this is kind of irrelivant but do you think love exist? i dont believe it does, want to know why, or even care because i kind of dont but email me at p.s i know there are gramtical errors, disregard that and dont judge me.

Brown wettish spot on cucumber leaf?

My cucumber leaf has brown foliage on it. It looks sorrta wet or shiny and it also has alot of really tiny white dots on it. Also on other leaves it looks like it has some powdery mildew on them. What should I do?

Liberals: you say you want to provide HC for EVERYONE................?

I was going to rip you apart with facts, but then figured, why bother - You wont listen. So its easier to just call you stupid. You....Are stupid.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How can I eliminate or at least gain greater control over my emotions?

If you are trying to be like a Vulcan, even Mr. Spock's father said, "It was the logical thing to do," when asked by Spock why his father fell in love and married a human female.

How can I kiss this girl who's used to kissing?

Ok, there's this girl who likes me and I like her. She's kissed guys before, but I've never kissed anyone. I have no idea what so ever. Is there a certain way to do it? A technique that the pro's use. lol I do not know what to do at all. All I know is I'm going to brush my teeth an extra 5 minutes every day just in case. Can somebody help me?

Should I be held responsible?

A couple months ago I had reported to my apartment that were some brownish stuff on my wall and they had repainted it white. However, a couple months later I realize it might have been mildew because bluish-greenish stuff grew from the same section of the wall. I was told by the property manager that the apartments are prone to mildew because of their construction and that while I was not responsible for actually causing the damage that I am responsible because according to their opinion I did not report it in time.

Car A/C Smell (like antiseptic)?

2009 Ford Focus - when I first turn on the A/C, it smells strongly like antiseptic for 5 or 10 seconds. (It is not a mold, mildew, or antifreeze smell. Smells more like iodine, or a freshly opened Band-Aid). Any ideas? Thanks!

How to clean rubber boot on washing machine?

the rubber boot inside my washing machine is stained and has some mildew and rust stains which sometimes leaves spots on some of my clothes? any ideas on how to clean this or does it need to be replaced?

R&P: How important are headphones to you?

i listen to my music at full volume, so quality doesnt really matter to me, but i go through them really fast so durability and price are really all i care about

Controlling sensuous pleasures :is it proper?

I think it is alright to forget sensuous pleasures(except great ones as those of Gurudev Tagore).I am not going to suppress but be occupied and happy with other (essential or towards, parts of essential)things.At least saving time!

Is Govt & the wealthy business elite using the 14.4 trillion dollar national debt as scare & fear tactic?

Of course. My favorite is social security and medicare. Why do they say entitlements are bankrupting us when they actually produce a surplus? About 2.5 trillion is the surplus they generated, that the US Treasury has borrowed. Whenever it looks like they may have to repay that debt, they say the system is bankrupt and they need to raise the retirement age, increase taxes, or decrease benefits. On the other hand, the Department of defense spends a trillion a year without bringing in a cent, yet no politician wants to cut their budget and face the ire of the defense contractors who will donate money to their opponents as revenge.

Candy is stuck in my braces and on my tooth?

go to your dentist or orthodontist and have it taken doing it will cause damage or pull out braces.Leaving it in will cause tooth decay.Do it ASAP

Obssession with wolves + fox - HELP!?

Ive been spending my last 16 hours watching films with foxes or wolves in them(its like this every day). If I don't see any wolf or fox I feel like I have an empty void. I don't want to hate foxes or wolves for the rest of my life, I just don't want it to be distracting. Any way to suppress this weird need?

I babysit for three children every week for a couple of days. The kids are dirty.?

I do babysitting a few times a week for three children. They are very dirty. There are moldy french fries and other foods in their car seats. I can feel dead skin cells on their backs. Their mother doesn't seem to have time for ANYTHING except school and homework. She weighs 300 pounds so she certainly has time to EAT. I am stuck in a position that I don't know how to get out of. Would you consider this neglect? Their house is also disgusting and there is mildew all around their bathtub. I've been friends with her for 15 years. I don't know what to do, any advice would be appreciated. I don't want to see her lose her kids, but I do want to see that they are taken care of. What would you do?

How To Get Rid Of Mildew Under Kitchen Sink?

Just wondering, what are some safe, quick and effective ways to get rid of mildew under a kitchen sink? WHat are some safe, hypoallergenic products you should use? Can you get rid of yourself without calling a pro? If so, please tell me how, step by step? Thanks a bunch in advance!

Whats wrong with my lawn?

I was cutting the grass, and I noticed little piles of white powder. And the grass surrounding it is dead. I know its not powdery mildew, but what is it?

I smell a mildew odor from my linen closet.?

I moved in on March 15 and the closet was bare and I did smell the odor. I cleaned the closet this pine sol and then a few days later stock the closet with towels but I still smell mildew what can it be.. The carpet there in new

Why do my braces hurt a lot?

I got braces yesterday, as soon as I got them, they were no pain. As night came a long they started hurting more and more. Now I cannot chew or eat anything hard. It is also very hard to brush. How long will the pain stay and why? Thanks!

In humid climates, people constantly dehumidify their cellars in order to prevent rot and mildew. If the cella?

In humid climates, people constantly dehumidify their cellars in order to prevent rot and mildew. If the cellar in a house (kept at 20oC) has 90.0m2 of floor space and a ceiling height of 2.90m, what is the mass of water that must be removed from it in order to drop the humidity from 90.3 percent to a more reasonable 27.9 percent?

Help solve the Mildewed Lemon mystery!!!!!?

Hi! I encountered something I don't understand: I had put 3 large fresh lemons in the bottom drawer of a refrigerator, with temperature adjusted to slightly lower than medium. It's been several weeks. I have a lot of other food in the refrigerator, too, with no problem. Then, today, when I had a good look at the inside the drawer, I saw a roundish thing, COMPLETELY 100% MILDEWED, even the other food nearby caught some mildrewed dark green dusts! I couldn't tell what that round thing was (imagine a green baseball!!!). When I tore it, I found it was one of those 3 lemons!! STRANGELY, both the other lemons are still good, no mildew at all. So how come this single lemon was completely thoroughly mildewed to such degree???

Why is it unacceptable in western society to express emotions or share experiences you went through?

It sounds more like your parents instilled this in you - not "society". Nothing wrong with expressing yourself.

Why doesn't the GOP / T-party, who are holding the government hostage in its ability to pay the bills?

Because in order to stop your kids from ruining their credit rating, you have to take away the credit card.

Liquid lacquer for paper?

I'm having a really hard time looking for liquid lacquer/varnish for paper. I make origami jewelry for my friends and I really don't like using my clear nail polish for the paper because I want to use the nail polish for my nails. I prefer a varnish that can be brushed onto the paper. When dry, I'd prefer a high-gloss finish and strength... like if its an origami star it won't flatten out if it were crushed. The results I just mentioned are the results of clear nail polish. I already know about Modge-Podge but I'm kind of reluctant to use it because it's targeted at decoupage work.

Is it ethical for a landlord to kick a tenant out when a landlord is not able to rent an entire unit out?

I know one guy who had mildew in his room and construction came in. He had paid all his rents on time until one time when he had to spend his money to cover an emergency. Even though he had a loan that was approved and was willing to pay the late fees, the landlord kicked him out. However, when he went back to visit his old apartment he had found out it was still under construction. Therefore, his argument is that the management should have just left him in possession especially since the money was guaranteed.

Do you think people in Jack's apartment are scams?

I know a guy named Jack who was forced to move because of mildew issues since his apartment people ordered a construction in his room. However in spite of that his apartment complex refuse to give him another room unless he paid a $300 transferable fee along with his monthly rent (even though the lease only talks about a fee being charged once the renter makes a request to the apartment complex to transfer). His apartment complex a couple months earlier had misdiagnosed the mildew as something else and he only reported it when he noticed a black-greenish substance in his walls. However, his apartment wants to charge him full cost for damage.

There is a small amount of mildew in my filter jug can it be cleaned out or is it permanent?

I left my water filter jug out the fridge last night and have just noticed that there is mildew in the top chamber which holds the filter. If I bleach it will it come out or will it just fade?

Can the state remove statements & 911 calls from a case ?

Witness made statement against my son.along with 5-911calls sayn ,he the gunman is here !!!! The witnesses son directed police to a gun.3 of my children & myself were taken to the station.Thereafter afraid for my children I said the gun was mine in an agreement to have charges dropped against my children . The state removed all the critical evidence all except the statement I had given. No gun powder test was taken .can my attorney file a motion to suppress evidence & squash arrest.

In love with a mostly straight girl in a Catholic girls boarding school, and she has a boyfriend. HELP?

Wow your questions were so emotionally intense to the point of me wanting to give you a longwinded answer. Ha ha apologize in advance because this will be a very long one... I truly feel bad for you and I don't even know you. Ha guess because I felt the same way about a few str8 guy crushes in the my past. Unfortunately from my understanding (well reading) you must try your best to keep it moving.. Honestly that chick is using you for her temporary comforts and that ain't right at all. As much as you care for her it isn't fair for you to have too deal with Bf competition. Even if she hooked up with you and dropped him what happens when she spots someone else?. (hmm) Do you believe that she would stick with you or add another to the equation?. You shouldnt have to even fight for her love ooh-hell naw!. She really should naturally want be by your side.. It seems easy for her be so free judging by how you described this chick. She is one of those Ima stay on the fence type of chicks. Not really accepting her actions and stuff. Do you know if she "really even is Bisexual?." I know of chicks that would romantically kiss me too while sloppy drunk and all. But Im basically a homosex male you know so thats just all in fun and games. Shoot some chicks like doing it as some kind of "look at me" trend. And if you gave it to her orally it sounds like she was into it only for a nut. Ugh how effin selfish but you know those deceitful people are out there...However your feelings are involved and thats something very serious. She needs to be told not to "F" with your "effin" feelings!. My bad now I went on a rant for you. Ha ha but please try and protect your heart more better. You deserve someone who will really love you back. I know I don't know you but I have some good sense. Can tell that you have a big heart so give all that loving to a Woman who knows your worth. Let that chick have her little Bf don't entertain her drama's. If she cared any it will hit her later on like a ton of bricks when you already moving on. If all else fails than Karma can quite possibly be the cruelest ***** ever. (wink)

I have had a tooth ach for about 2 days how do i make the pain stop for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

There is orajel that you can use. But, that only lasts for so long. That will numb your mouth where you put the orajel at.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carpet issue.What do I do!?

Okay so we moved into our first house about a week ago. We were getting all settled in and I felt like the carpet needed a good cleaning.The people before us had two large dogs and there was hair everywhere. So I borrowed my moms heavy duty steam cleaner and gave it a try. It did a good job,but when I woke up the next morning there were random yellow spots. Well no one wants yellow spots on their white carpet so I figured maybe the steam cleaner didnt get all the water out. I went and rented a rug doctor and did a big no no and started cleaning it again just as it was almost dry. I think its safe to assume i saturated them and now Im really upset because I have yellow patches every where now :/ I cant afford to have new carpet or wood put in right now so I hired a carpet cleaning business. The mildew smell has subsided as its been extremely humid here for the past several days. Ive had every window in the house open and a fan going to get ventilation. So i guess my question is will the carpet cleaners be able to fix this? have i completely ruined the carpet and pad?Im not sure what to do....

What are some Good cleaners for showers?

The shower is made out of plastic. I need to get off the mold mildew and this orange stuff that I think is some kind of fungi. I have tried almost everything. Also do you know a cleaner to get the water spots off of the glass door?? THANKS!!

Accidentally fell asleep with crest whitestrips on?

I don't think so call someone and ask them mostly I think you will just have really white teeth after they set all the way in

The wire for my braces is just barely too long?

The wire on the left side sticks out just a tiny bit. Like, maybe half a millimeter. But it pokes my cheek and really hurts, particularly when I eat. I put some wax on it but I've discovered the wax comes off whenever I eat or brush my teeth. Will the dentist clip a wire that's so barely too long or will I just have to keep the wax on it?

Something wrong with my braces?

i have had my braces on for a while and the gums in a specific area sometimes bleed. i brush and i try to floss but they still bleed in that one area. could the wire be cutting into my gums?

Is this strange at all.......?

i have this female friend since my break up with my ex i have started to get a liking for since she is more type of girl buy the day i realize it. am not obvious mates with her i just know her well so one time i am out with her she stands next to me so close if i moved too turn i would knock her with my elbow. but the embarrassing thing is since i am not a virgin i've had sex done a lot of stuff but why in the world would i get a semi just for her standing so close too me every time she would brush me with her knee i know i like her but i can't like her that much.

Tell me truth please seriously?

i am a boy who was very shy and not good looking right from my childhood.i was too shy to attend marriages and never left my house to enjoy with friends.i was under depression for many years which i did not realise that it was memory got so weak at present that i just forget 2 seconds before things.and it was worsening since 6-7 years.right from age 13 or 14 years when Harmon changes started in me.i was under the habit of which is not masturbutation but at night playing with my penis.i continued to do so every month from then.when i started becoming younger my habit got worsened and i started looking at pornography on net.i always used to think that it is a sin but somehow i could not control it.i was so depressed with the passage of time that i started to internalise it making it a habit.once at the age of 18 when all things did not arouse me anymore i got into the habit of sex story reading from where i used to read normal stories of husband wife etc.but somehow i started reading stories of uncle cousin brother and finally i started reading stories of brother sister father daughter .i never thought of reading a story of mom and son. i was good at studies.i felt that with my poor family and my ugly face and people not liking to talk to me , doing good in academics was the only way to get you accepted among other people.i was so internally afraid that i started to think that you are nothing without education.i got distinction in my exams everytime.because of my self created pressure. the topic every normal person can learn or retain in mind took so time for me to remember or to learn anything .i used to study 10 hours which a normal student would have done in 1 hours. i am an indian boy where reading such kind of stories is unthinkable and such a big taboo.but i never fantasized about my relatives and family members. i wanted to quit the habit time and again but i was unable to control.but sometime ago when i really realised that this could actually spoil my relationship,i was terrified and decided that perhaps this was the last time i read it.but now 3 months gone to those last reading, i am under constant severe depression for different different things.sometimes because of fear of god.sometimes when i realise that if anyone could have been at my place he would have done it.sometimes because i am from india. and specially here the relationship of brother and sister is celebrated as raksha bandhan and pure relation which are universal in the world.sometime i feel that brother which is supposed to protect her sister , you have read story of that relationship.but now i am deeply terrified.i never looked at any lady with lustful thoughts. i was so shy.i said that i lost my mother 2 years ago without whom i could not imagine my life.but on his death i could not weep because my feeling were destroyed. i was so terrified.but sometimes when i realise what i have lost .i feel so afraid and helpless .i cry.even now when my sister goes to her husband house after visiting us i weep because i love them purely with the love brother and sister relationship.i think i am pervert and no normal person in country like india would have done what i have done. i cannot even hurt a person with my harass i live with my dad.he is an aged person.he has all hopes on me.but many times frustrated and tensed i remain angry with him.but i also love him and i think without him who will be mine in this world.we are two members in our family.please thinking from and indian perspective tell me am i bad.would anyone else have not done such kind of thing if his emotions would have suppressed he would have depressed.he would remain alone with his books with pressure.please tell me i think that how could i have read those kind of stories.when 3 years back such kind of matter was unthinkable to me.i am 21 years old now .and i have the responsibily of my family.please help me. serious answers please.

At want point is to much when it comes to yelling at your children.?

I'm tired of the sticker chart, the oh I'll kiss your little butts and be your maid and servant. I'm done! I just screamed at my son to get dressed, go to the bathroom, and brush his teeth, drink his juice, make his breakfast, eat it. Seriously, at what age do I have to stop wiping his butt so he doesn't smell like poop for the whole day. Then I have my 2 year old not eating. I just put her in her high chair and she can sit there the whole day if it takes to eat her food. I'm so done with this I'm mommy will take care of everything. How about everyone do for your selfs.

When I bought my little rose bush the roses were red, now they're getting paler and turning white, why?

It sounds as if you had grafted rose bushes. A rose bush bearing the kind of roses you want is grafted onto the roots of a wild rose. This works good if all goes well. The much hardier roots supply the grafted rose bush and helps keep it healthier. But if something goes wrong the top rose bush could die. Since the roots actually belong to a different rose bush, which survived, then the rose bush that grows will be the one that originally went with the roots. That's one explanation and it happens a lot.

What does it mean when a guy says your not his type..?

i told this guy ive liked for a while that i have mad feelings for him n crap.. n i asked him why he dont like me, n he said im "not his type" but hes like in love with my friend, n were just alike..? me n her only dont look alike.. so i dont get how im not his type.. can anyone help me..? im really confused.. like when a guy dont like me i can usualy just brush him off.. but i just cant stop thinkin bout this one.. someone please help me!!

How can anyone support the death penalty,?

You've just come up with two uselessly vague arguments that even imply nobody should be convicted of any crimes at all, that nobody should be punished at all. 1) "Law enforcement can be corrupted and/or incompetent," and 2) "Many people are wrongfully convicted for crimes they didn't commit." Neither one of those two statements have anything to do with why it is okay to convict a person and sentence them to life in prison without the possibility of parole but not to execute them. Indeed, even when a person's conviction means no jail time at all but merely some kind of fine, both of the conditions which you described might be applicable. Or might not be.

Help please? Advice for improvement :D? (re-posted)?

I like it! However I think u should talk a little more about the character either before u introduce the plot or after. Every reader focuses on the character, the looks, the personality. But it sounds really good so far. I like the cover.:)

Smelly washing machine?

So I have heard many suggestions about how to get that nasty smell out of my washer. Tried most of them it still stinks. So what about these things... Peroxide, baking soda, dawn dish soap, lemon juice, some type of mold and mildew killer? If so how much? I don't want to ruin my new washer, I'm pretty sure the smell is from all the built up gunk. I cleaned the basin today and it still stinks. Thoughts, suggestions, anything? Please let me know what you have tried, as long as it isn't bleach, lysol, or vinegar.

High school relationship problems! please help?

Recently my friends and I have been hanging around a lot with some guys. There is one guy that I get along with really well. We are very similar and always have a good time... one problem: He has a girlfriend. It's a long distance relationship of 2 years and she lives out of state. They have met like 3 or 4 times. The question is, what am I supposed to do? I know that we would get along great but I don't want him to think I'm trying to break him and his girlfriend up. I also want to be respectful towards their relationship, if I was his girlfriend I wouldn't want some girl trying to get with my boyfriend because there is obviously nothing she can really do about it. Am I supposed to tell him or suppress my feelings? Or should I gradually flirt with him?

What are the pros and cons of the....?

i can help you with the hair straightener...a few months ago i bought the best straightener. Its called the presige pro, its tourmaline plate and goes all the way up to 450 degrees. The straighteners i had before it i thought were good but lol no i was wrong..this is so much takes half the time to straighten my hair and it leaves my hair super shiny and silky...three of my friends saw what it did to my hair and how soft and straight it was and they bought it too lol...Im sure you can find it online. I got mine from a href="" rel="nofollow" under the hair straightener section. Anyways good luck and ihope it works out for you in your new school semester :)

Other then females in sex industries, sexual desire of female is suppressed by them ?

Females never take lead on bed for having sex, is it their nature or they just try to act. Mostly housewifes show very less interest in having frequent sex. Most of the time they reject their husbands desire. Where are those in sex trade they have of different men and 6 - 7 times a day ? How is it possible for a girl to carry on , till what time ?

I get a headache whenever i cry?

even if im not sobbing i start feeling pressure in my head. is it from trying to suppress the tears?

Help! I lied to my boyfriend about being raped and I don't want to live that lie anymore.?

I felt a bit pressured for sex. I mean, I knew what I wanted sexually, and sometimes I wasn't afraid to show it, but I didn't want him thinking I was a slut. More so, I didn't feel like doing it quite yet and I felt a bit pressured. So, I said I was raped in the past, hoping that he wouldn't think I was a slut and so that he would back off a bit. We haven't had sex yet, but the topic is being brought up again, and I just do not want to be this way anymore - I am a virgin and wish for him to know that. How do I bring it up? Is there any way to make him "forget" what I said? Like somehow brush it off that he wasn't listening? I know it sounds bad but at the time, I felt pressured and didn't know what to do.

How can I make sure my belongings will be safe?

Most cities and counties have inspection services or departments who will inspect units. But first you should contact and right the landlord immediately, I know the landlord does not want to be sued. Then you should contact the local Health Department. Read your lease close there are normally terms which will explain how you must contact the landlord (normally in writing) and how long the landlord has to correct the problem.

How do you define, fear,depression, obsession or bereavement?

I can not define it. I only feel it.I hope those doggies kiss and makeup. As to your poem, I enjoyed your thoughts.

Am I responsible for last month's rent under these conditions?

In my previous apartment I was not given a room to transfer to (even though one was available) because I had rejected paying a transferrable fee that my landlord insisted on charging me (even though it was not mentioned in the lease) when he had gave me a room to transfer to after ordering construction in my bathroom and bedroom to remove the mold. I was told to stay by a friend for a week and that it would be resolved but it never did until two weeks after so I had moved into another apartment. However, the same landlord insisted that I pay rent for that month and late fees because according to him he felt that I did not report the mildew growth in a timely fashion even though he told me he felt I was not directly responsible for the mildew growth.

Whats wrong with my puppy?

I have a 5 month old chihuahua and a few weeks ago i noticed she had a little bloody knot inside her ear that was healing and it hurt when i tried to touch it. After it healed it appear again in her neck and behind her ear this one doesn't hurt when i touch it. Im sure when those wounds heal a new one is going to appear in another part of her body. It happened to another chihuahua that i had a few years ago ( they were not related ) im just wondering if its some kind of topical infection or mildew, mold, yeast. PLEASE HELP

Girls, female friend opinion?

I'd really like to know if you think my female friend might have feelings for me. We've worked together for 2 years now. We're really close and she trusts me quite a bit. As a background she has told me that in general she is a shy person. We usually have boundaries up since we're "friends" and both are in relationships but I've noticed that she's touched me on the arm when i make her laugh or I got slapped recently (in front of others) for teasing her. This is only when I catch her off guard with a joke or teasing cause she is usually reserved and composed. But at other times she seems distant so I can't figure it out. She has called me a really good guy friend before, but then the other day when I returned from vacation she sent an email saying the "office" missed me (i don't have any other friends in the office) as well as the girls at the coffee shop we frequent twice a day. So does anyone think she might have suppressed feelings or is being friendly?

Girls, female friend opinion?

I'd really like to know if you think my female friend might have feelings for me. We've worked together for 2 years now. We're really close and she trusts me quite a bit. As a background she has told me that in general she is a shy person. We usually have boundaries up since we're "friends" and she's married but I've noticed that she's touched me on the arm when i make her laugh or I got slapped recently (in front of others) for teasing her. This is only when I catch her off guard with a joke or teasing cause she is usually reserved and composed. But at other times she seems distant so I can't figure it out. She has called me a really good guy friend before, but then the other day when I returned from vacation she sent an email saying the "office" missed me (i don't have any other friends in the office). So does anyone think she might have suppressed feelings or is being friendly?

Best home-made solution to get mildew off my deck?

You can get a deck cleaner that might work. If it doesn't, i would suggest using a mixture of chlorine bleach and water. Spray it on, let it sit, and scrub it off. Test a spot first for color-fast tendencies.

What websites are good for ordering hair dressing supplies i'm taking my business mobile :)?

i want to do mobile hair dressing now i have worked in a salon for some time and gained the relevant experience and qualifications but what are the best websites for ordering supplies eg.dye peroxide developer creme combs scissors dryers products straightners stuff like that i already have combs brushes and scissors but it never hurts to be prepared for if they need sharpening again i still have spares :)

How much do American Alsatians shed?

It's an American German Shepherd!!... (right) People obviously don't know that that's their name in some countries. I have two who shed a lot. The shorter fur sheds more than longcoats because the longcoats don't have an undercoat. It definitely can be managed by brushing the dog everyday. Buy a furminator! They can be pricy but are absolutely worth it. They shed mostly during season changes, especially spring, but can be managed. You will still see fur around the house. It is worth it in the end because they are such great dogs!! Good luck!!

How do i go about getting my security deposit back in CA?

So i rented a house in CA for a short term 6 month lease. The agents who i rented the house from did the walk through inspection before i moved in and that was that (no paperwork or anything). This is the first time ive rented in a while so i was unaware this was the norm. During my 6 month lease various little things would break (doornobs, oven, cabinets, fridge, etc)every time i called the landlord to please fix the essentials the guy would come over himself and attempt and i mean attempt to repair. Seeing it was a short lease i gave the guy a break and didnt really bother him the last remaining months. Now before i moved out he came over to do an inspection which i thought was going to be a very easy informal matter of business as i did nothing to damage the house. Anyways the guy gives me a LAUNDRY list of everything that is wrong with the house. Mildew in shower room (carpet up to the shower), mildew of the boards in the same bathroom. Scratched floors, dead grass, nails in the wall (i didn't hang one picture there were hundreds of existing nails from the previous renter i guess). seeing this list i knew the guy was going to be a problem i had both Realtors come over to inspect the house which they both said it was fine and in the same condition i left it in. The landlords realtor even said that the landlord has done this in the past and she was very sorry that hes such a problem with the deposits.okay so on the 22nd day after i left the property he mails a letter which is marked on the very 22nd day saying hes keeping all the deposit money for the previous things i listed and is even demanding more! what should i do? im thinking about filing a complaint against the realtor fro not disclosing this info. im also wondering if its against the law to not do a pre move in walk through?? it feels like this whole thing was very calculated and i rented from some scam artist HELP!!!

Why do I forget people the more I look into their face?

Probably, if you are 'staring' at their pictures, you are slowly taking the time to focus on various points on their face, rather than gazing upon the whole of their features. Perhaps by doing so, you are not visually combining the various parts of their faces, and thus, it seems like you are not looking at someone you know.

Is it bad to overbrush your retainer?

I just got my braces off, and now i have to wear a clear retainer. But im really scared that i might stain it, so i brush it about 4 times a day. Is that bad? Or should i not brush it that much?

Mold/Mushroom in apartment - what can I get from landlord?

Contact the Health Department in your area for an inspection. They will FORCE the landlord to properly remediate the problem.

Cars air ventilation blows air when off?

My cars ac/heater always blows air even when the ac/heater is completly off. it isnt a strong hit of air only a light blow that happens as i drive. if i come to a stop itll stop blowing but as i drive off again itll begin. is that normal? if not any idead what it could be? also when i turn the ac or heater on it gives off a weird smell sorta like mildew or dirty. any ideas would be appreciated. thanks in advance

Sisterly love pregnancy argument?

Let her do the baby shower as to like games you will play, to help pick out the food and drinks and help with the gifts. Let her pick out the baby cake. I think she would love to do it.

Could i lose my teeth at sixteen?

If you don't take care of your teeth, don't be surprised if they fall out. Once you loose them, you can't have them back. Yeah, it's a good possibility you're going to loose some if not all. Go to your dentist as soon as possible.

What works best to take stains out of vehicle carpet?

Get a good steam cleaner and use that per the instructions on the cleaner. It will get just about anything out!

Will vinegar get mildew smell out of t-shirts?

I bought a bra at the mall. Actually it was a bra set (2 bras) Anyways, they smelled like mildew so I thought I would just wash them. However, the smell is now on the t-shirts i washed with them. I returned the bras..... it was the malls fault. So, can I wash the tshirts in vinegar for the whole wash cycle? Will this help?

Are some people just predisposed to violence?

If your father was a violent man and he beat you, your siblings and your mother are you destined to do the same thing? What if his father was the same way too? What if you find it difficult to suppress your aggression and have an urge for violence. Can you really stop genetics?

Why is my bathroom damp?

You need to fit a fan linked to the light switch so that damp air is removed regularly. Buy a good quality mould treatment solution and use it carefully following the instructions on the container exactly as they are often toxic. When you have removed all the mould redecorate your bathroom using a paint specifically for kitchens and bathrooms that is wipe clean and includes mould inhibitors. It would also be a good idea to remove the foam ceiling and replace it with a non-absorbent material.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Question about antidepressants?

If your REM sleep is important - and I think dreaming is important and healing to our psyches - why should we take medications that suppress dreaming? Isn't that dangerous? I don't understand why they market drugs that would suppress what I thought was an impt. part of our sleep cycles.

How do I get mold out of my vacuum?

Every time I vacuum My vacuum spews a nasty musty smell out of it. I know the smell to be mold or mildew and I have replaced both the bag and the filter (of course), as well as wiping out all the inside parts that I could get too (even by disassembling it as much as I felt comfortable doing). And even after all this my vacuum still smells... HELP! I know most would say take it in and get someone else to clean it or toss it and buy a new one but I am totally strapped for cash so that is really not and option. Any other suggestions?

My long haired cat has terrible knots help!?

I have two long haired cats that I do groom. However, one has very thick dense hair and the kitty brush just doesn't get right in, underneath. My cat hates grooming for any length of time, and now yet again has belly knots. I will have to get him shaved again, but in the meantime, how can I prevent this? any suggestions on good cat brushes for extra long haired cats?

My Maytag Bravos 300 stinks like mildew and makes my house stink. How can I fix this?

is it a front loader? I understand a lot of them smell from standing water than remains in them......they now sell a anti-mold/mildew deodorant to pour in them.

What pillow would be best for me? Allergies and bad neck...?

Ask yourself if you want to use feather pillows. Feather pillows contain down feathers. Down feathers are soft and gentle. But if you start up with your allergies again, you might want to go to an allergy doctor to see what kind of pillow is best for you. Sorry if I wasn't any help, but I am happy I could at least give you an idea, ma'am.

What prevents mildew from forming on leather goods?

I live in an extremely hot climate. Mildew is a huge problem. Once it takes hold on leather(shoes, purses, belts, etc...) you can never permanetnly remove it, it keeps coming back. What will prevent it? The air conditioner runs day and night and I've got boxes of baking soda all over the place. They help some but not enough.

Should i tell her how i feel or keep things how they are?

Ok so there's this girl I've been friends with since 6th grade. We call each other bro and sis. We talk alot and have many laughs together and have alot in common and have always been there for one another. At first in 6th grade after a while I tried telling her how I feel but she had a boyfriend so I couldn't. So I've tried suppressing my feelings for her and it worked for a few years and now were going to the 12th grade. Over time my feelings have come back and I like her alot but don't know if I should try and get her or just keep things the way they are because I don't want things to be awkward. So what should I do? Tell her how I feel or keep things how they are?

Why do amphetamines suppress appetite?

Amphetamines are like having a long lasting rush of adrenaline (epinephrine). The sympathetic nervous system is activated, so increased fight or flight response to muscles and breathing and decreased rest and digestion. So the hormones and paracrines factors that stimulate digestion and hunger are suppressed in their secretion. I am not sure if they 'block' the brain receptor directly but you have the right idea. The stomach expands and shrinks to the food in it, so if it does not have alot of food it will be contracted.

Opening window to dehumidify?

If it is raining, the humidity outside is 100%, so opening the window will NOT reduce the humidity inside. In addition, if the AIR doesn't feel extremely humid, there the moisture in the carpet is almost certainly coming from somewhere else. In a basement apartment, I would check for groundwater coming though a crack in the floor or walls.

How to remove mildew/mold from a sports towel?

i have a towel that when you wet it, it stays cool and fresh and i think mildew is on it so how do i get it out without using a cleaning product? thanks!

Why can't you people understand why we need a autocratic government in China?

being a Chinese I fully understand that Chinese people are not mature enough for democracy. Jackie Chan told that Chinese people need to be controlled like a herd and authoritarian police state is best for China. If China were to become democratic we would lose the illegally occupied territories of Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and Manchuria.

I was at my dentist for a prophy and asked why I have these raised ligatures forming underneath my tongue that?

These lines under my tongue burn when I brush with anything mentholated or chew gun. My dentist advised me to talk to an Oral Surgeon.

What can a tenant do if his apartment property manager refuses to transfer him while construction occurs?

I know a guy who is thinking of withholding his rent check because he could not use his bedroom or any water last week in his apartment due to mildew construction being done in his bedroom and bathroom. He stayed by a friend last week but has to leave now and the management told him construction will not be offered and if he transfers he will have to pay a $250 fee.